Break Out of the Boring

August 14, 2015


I read an article the other day that may cause a stir, but I'll share it anyway. Have you noticed that lately a lot of websites look the same? In the rush toward the long scrolling website trend, somewhere along the line, things became a little, well, predictable.

Feel free to disagree with me on this point, but I do feel like a lot of websites out there are starting to look a lot the same: Fullscreen video and/or image header at the top, scroll down, block of color with bio info, scroll down, galleries, scroll down…I'm sure you catch my drift.

The article from Smashing Magazine is called “Beyond the Boring: The Hunt for the Web's Lost Soul.” Some of the reasons that it gives for websites all looking the same are limited layout options, responsive design you can't control yourself, and boxy grid elements.

Most tools or web design do box you into…well…a box. Having things in grids and boxes, designed to the pixel and coded in, can be limiting, especially if you're working with a limited template or a limited platform.

These factors are probably why I like designing with Showit so much more than other platforms. I feel like you can overcome most of the challenges that other platforms face by acknowledging that Showit is different and embracing its differences. That's not to say other platforms are bad because they all have their perks. Don't get me wrong, there are some gorgeous sites out there that use a lot of these elements, but they use them in a unique and unexpected way, and I think that is the author's point: be unexpected.

The author of the article gives several ways to break free from “the boring” and “the predictable:” Unique layouts, thinking outside the box, varying the experience, etc.

This is key – think through how you can use your platform of choice in a way that is different from other users who are using the same tools. Think about how you can push your platform to make something different from the default template or layouts.

One thing the author does mention is to make sure you still think about your overall user's experience. Is your site easy to navigate? Do you have a good mobile presence? Is your information presented in way that it is easy to find? By taking all of these things into consideration, you can have a unique web presence that pushes the boundaries and wows potential clients.

How are you showing your uniqueness through your website?

Read the article HERE.