Social Media Content Calendar, Posting Schedule, and National Holidays for May

May 1, 2018


Cassandra Campbell

social media calendar plan schedule national holidays

It's not easy. If you look with longing at the numbers of your friend's rising social media followers, you should know it does not come easily. The people with growing social media numbers have a social media content calendar, a posting schedule, and have mapped out the national holidays that pertain to their business. If you want to grow your audience on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or any platform, you need a social media schedule that has a clear posting schedule personalized to you. Then, the tricky part, you have to execute the plan. People are growing their audiences not by luck, but by sticking to a schedule so they can engage with people #IRL. Small businesses are having success on social media not just because they understand who their target audience, but they make a plan to connect with them socially based on their likes and dislikes.

Forethought = Time

This is where scheduling your monthly social media scheduling calendar comes in handy. No matter what day of the month it is, it's always a great time to start! Although it takes a little forethought, planning always pays off. It saves brain space and time. Loads of time. And did we mention brain space?

social media calendar plan schedule national holidays

Planning to Succeed

Here are your social media scheduling prompts for May. We have added some tips, special dates for this month, as well as a space for important dates for you to schedule. Like the wedding anniversary of your favorite client. Or your own anniversary! (We are with you with needing help with brain space!)

You have worked hard to get to where you are. Keep it moving forward with a great social media plan.

Click here to save the PDF or print it out.

As always, use the hashtag #Showiteer on Instagram so we can encourage one another! Let's plan to succeed together friends!

Showit is a drag and drop website platform with a free trial at

Casandra is a born and bred East Coaster who finds herself braving the heat of the Valley of the Sun with her husband and three cute kids all for the love of Showit.